467 dealt with many ups and downs during Week 6, which comes as no surprise as we’re continuing to grasp the intricacies of this robot. Unfortunately, we snapped a shaft in our climber mechanism, temporarily halting testing. However, our machining team was on top of things and manufactured a new shaft immediately.

In addition, we accidentally ran the wrong code for our elevator, causing a very unscheduled disassembly. This demonstrated the key failure points of the mechanism, which soon strengthened mechanically. Despite these setbacks, 467 bounced back with renewed excitement to fix and complete the robot to give programming the time they need to complete and test the code. As repairs were made and wiring was completed, programming received the robot once more and has been tireless in their pursuit of controlling the robot. We are steadily making progress towards being ready to compete. The outreach team shared a similar level of dedication, completing the proof binder and presentation script. While 467 has endured many struggles recently, we still strive to be competitive at the Southern Maine District Event!
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