467 is starting with a bang! Our team is divided into sub-teams, which split further into specific subsystems. This ensures that the experienced kids are spread out, while the new kids get to learn the ropes. The mechanical subteam contains six prototyping teams; varying from deep cage testing to algae manipulation. These teams are deciding on major design choices and prototyping before heading into CAD to make higher-fidelity designs.
In other news, we are saying goodbye to our 2024 season robot: Shuffle. Our electrical team is stripping all the wires and electronics so we can reuse the drivetrain as a test base and store the wires for practice next pre-season. The programming subteam is figuring out the basics of the subsystem code to be proactive. They are also discussing with mechanical to understand what mechanisms we may have. Our outreach team is in full force, continuing to polish the impact essay and executive summaries. Overall, the team is going at twice the speed from last year. This should guarantee more time to test and learn how to drive the robot once it’s complete!