Programming – Preseason

“Programming is like a box of chocolates – you like some of it but dislike other parts. Also, it’s like a clarinet. You blow into a clarinet and air comes out, just like you put effort into programming to get results out of it” – Patrick Liu, a Shrewsbury programmer.

During November, the Shrewsbury Robotics programming team made significant progress. As new programmers wrapped up a series of introductory java lessons, they joined the veteran programmers in their activities. Currently, these experts are testing code for last year’s robot to see if it works, see where it can be improved, and gain a better understanding of java as they warm up their skills.

They assess old programs by writing “test code” which check that the old robot code is in acceptable condition. Using a platform called “Visual Studio Code,” they check functions and data within the programs. This platform compiles the code by reading it and then running it, after which the programmers can check it to make sure it works. According to Rishi Nandurbarkar, another team programmer, “it’s pretty good practice for new people to become acquainted with libraries of java”. A library is a collection of prewritten programs and commands used to code new programs efficiently. Hasan Gandor adds that by testing the code, the team is “preparing for build season to get ahead of the game”.

While testing, each member of the programming team hones in on a specific aspect of the robot, in order to make the process more effective. Toyesh Jayaswal is testing an aspect of the robot dealing with its location in space. It figures out where the robot is given a certain starting point.

Akash is testing code relating to the grabber of the previous robot. This is the aspect of the robot which allows it to pick up and drop blocks, which was essential to last year’s game.

Rishi is checking that the gyrometer code is in working condition. The gyrometer is a sensor which provides the angle position of the robot, which is crucial to know.

Hasan works on an aspect of the robot called “match configuration”. Additionally, he mentors the new programmers, making sure they understand what they are doing.

These individuals represent only a few of the entire programming team. The other programmers test other aspects of the robot and work on a variety of other important tasks.

The programming team is currently doing well. However, this field does come with its share of difficulties. For example, Rishi says that it is hard to handle imports. These are when an outside function is put into a function created by the user, without the user having to rewrite the outside function’s code. He says making folders to deal with imports is difficult. Yet, he continues to work hard, like all of our team. He said that over the summer he drastically improved his programming skills using various coding sites. Truly, he is a reflection of our entire programming team’s spirit, which is to put in efforts and get results regardless of adversity.
by Aashirwad Deochakke